
Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination!

The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods.
It is a 5-week online class (1.5 hours per week) fully led and supported by Deepal Parikh, a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and RESTART® Instructor.
With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar and carb cravings.

Discover how good you can feel!

What You’ll Learn




Get Ready! Learn how to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for your successful REAL FOOD sugar detox.



Healthy digestion is critical - how is yours? Find out how it’s designed to work and how to optimize your digestion to get the most out of your healthy diet.



So what’s the big deal about sugar? Learn how your body responds to excess sugar and refined carbs, and learn how to get off of the sugar rollercoaster.



Think fat makes you fat? We unveil the truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential to your diet. Learn which ones to enjoy, which ones to avoid and why.



YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.


Benefits That Participants Have Experienced


Increased Energy


More Restful Sleep


Clothes Fit Better :)


Boosted Immune System


Clarity And Focus


Decreased Anxiety

The RESTART® Program
Fee: $299 per person



5-Week Group Program

  • Five 1.5 hour Live Group Classes (Online/Zoom)

  • Nutritional Education

  • 3-week sugar detox with REAL FOOD

  • Run by Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (Deepal Parikh)

  • Group limit per session: 10 participants


Program Materials

  • Printable Course Material

  • The RESTART® Cookbook:
    A perfect companion to your RESTART® experience! Enjoy this compilation of recipes from RESTART® instructors around the country. Choose from a variety of categories to make preparing breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and even dessert for your three week sugar detox (and beyond!) - a delicious success!



  • Private Facebook Group:
    Free access to private facebook group to share experiences and recipes; learn and get support from Deepal and inspired participants like you!

What People Are Saying


“I never thought it could happen but RESTART® has totally changed my life! The RESTART® program has helped put me on a path to healthy eating, which is really what I needed. The meetings are fun but also informative. All of that stuff I thought was common sense, but never used it, I have now put it use in my everyday life. I am so amazed by the change.”


“This was the best thing I have done for myself. I am very much in every sense of the term a 'sugar addict'. After taking myself off sugar through the Restart Program I have gained not just improvements with my digestion, brain fog and hormones but I have taken control over my cravings. I am no longer a slave to the desire for sugar, and let me tell you friends, there is nothing 'sweeter' than this. After my detox, I made the decision to cut processed sugars out completely and I have never felt better.”


“I highly recommend this class! The healthy effects and benefits are what really cause me to rave about this class. I am no longer reliant on processed food and sugar to get through the day and have eliminated my sugar cravings. I’m sleeping better, my skin looks better, and I have more energy. I am so glad I spent this money and time on myself to create a healthier framework for food decisions going forward.”


“This class is SO totally worth your time.The support I received from my RESTART®Instructor and the other participants made all the difference. I have NO sugar cravings and I sleep so very well! Enjoy the class and remember to NOTICE”


“I learned more about food and how it interacts with my body in this five week program than I did in my previous fifty years. This program can be life changing. I truly thank you with my entire heart”


“The hardest part of course, was changing my diet from so many processed carbs to whole, real foods. One of the most valuable things I learned was the fact that healthy fats are so beneficial, it was truly eye opening.”


“The RESTART® Program was truly life changing for me. It was fun, informative, and easy to follow. The group sessions added to the feeling of 'we are in this together'. Thank you so very much. It is so worthwhile”


“Thanks so much for the restart program! I have gotten so much improvement in my health, it’s just unbelievable! These behavior changes came easily to me when following the Restart program: I no longer crave sweets and soft drinks and I’ve learned to enjoy drinking water. I actually look forward to my trips to the Y, I really miss going when I can’t get there. My food cravings moved away from junk, to more healthy foods. I actually cook some of my food now, instead of always eating out, and I’m saving money as a result. Thanks again for this incredible program. I have recommended it to many of my friends. ”

And more success stories…